Find out about the main legislation, regulations and rules covering general aspects of the New Zealand gas industry and which government agency is responsible.  

On this page:

Regulatory framework and our role

Gas Act and Gas Governance Policy Statement

Current gas Regulations

Current gas Rules

Older or revoked regulations and rules

Other legislation


Regulatory framework and our role

We look after gas governance and markets, such as pipeline access, balancing and reconciliation in the system, and data and day-to-day production and consumption. We work closely with other agencies regulating aspects of the energy system.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is responsible for policy in the sector and reports annual reserves and production data.

New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals (NZPAM) regulates the upstream gas sector, such as managing permits to explore.

Gas safety, energy efficiency, competition, mining and exploration, and other aspects of the industry are regulated by other government agencies.

See Other legislation below for more information.


The Gas Act and Gas Governance Policy Statement

The Government’s policy objectives for the gas industry in New Zealand are set out primarily in the Gas Act 1992 and the Government Policy Statement 2008 (GPS).  

Gas Act 1992 No 124 (as at 23 December 2023) available on

Government Policy Statement on Gas Governance (GPS) — April 2008 (PDF, 127KB)


Current gas regulations

The gas market is governed by the following regulations and rules jointly developed by the Gas Industry Co and the Government. 

  • Gas Governance (Compliance) Regulations 2008 (latest version April 2023) establish a number of compliance processes and roles to monitor and enforce the following rules and regulations and ensure the integrity of key markets:


Current gas rules

We have developed and administer the following rules for the gas industry. These rules are made under certain provisions of the Gas Act 1992.

  • Gas (Switching Arrangements) Rules 2008 codify existing arrangements that enable consumers to choose and alternate efficiently between competing retailers. The rules also provide for a centralised gas registry that stores key information about every consumer installation, facilitates the switching process, and monitors switching timeframes from initiation through to completion.
  • Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008 provide a set of uniform processes to enable the fair, efficient, and reliable allocation and reconciliation of downstream gas quantities. They allow for an allocation agent to gather information about gas injection and consumption, allocate daily gas quantities to retailers at gas gates, and reconcile downstream gas quantities.


Older or revoked regulations

To access older (and revoked) versions of gas regulations, use the links above to each set of regulations on and see the Versions and Amendments tab. For example:

Gas Governance (Compliance) Regulations – Previous versions


Other legislation

Other government agencies look after various Acts and secondary legislation (regulations) relating to aspects of the gas industry as follows.

Gas safety

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment administers one Act and two sets of regulations relating to gas safety. These are:

The Ministry for the Environment administers the following Act the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 which covers gas as a flammable substance.

Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996

Gas exploration and mining

The Crown Minerals Act 1991 sets the broad legislative arrangements for petroleum (including gas) prospecting exploration and mining. It is administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

The Crown Minerals Act 1991

Gas transmission and distribution

The Commerce Commission administers the Commerce Act 1986 which includes provisions for the regulation of gas transmission and distribution pipelines.

The Commerce Act 1986

Energy efficiency

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment administers the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000, which promotes energy efficiency, energy conservation and the use of renewables.

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000

General legislation

Gas industry activities are also covered by general legislation such as:

Last updated: 19/11/2024, 12:06 pm

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