
A set of minimum standards ensures advanced gas metering data is collected and treated consistently. The standards also ensure any registry changes or rule amendments needed to accommodate the update of advanced metering are identified.

About TArMAC

We established the Technical Advanced Metering Advisory Committee (TArMAC)) after reviewing gas metering arrangements in 2017.

Read more about the 2017 review

TArMAC's role is to:

  • develop a set of minimum standards that would allow for the consistent collection and treatment of advanced metering data
  • identify any registry changes or rules amendments needed to accommodate the uptake of advanced metering.

Access documents related to TArMAC 


Technical Advanced Metering Advisory Committee (TArMAC)

The objectives of the TArMAC are to develop a set of minimum standards that will allow for the consistent collection and treatment of advanced metering data; and to identify any registry changes or rules amendments needed to accommodate the uptake of advanced metering.

TArMAC members have technical knowledge of and experience with gas metering and have been appointed through a nominations process.  TArMAC members are:



Andrew Maseyk


Bernie Cross


Bill Miller

Vector AMS

Craig Muirhead


Howard Wood


Jo Iggulden


Matt Wilson

First Gas

Michael Binney

Powerco distribution

Nicolas Vessiot

Powerco metering

Scott Highet



The TArMAC terms of reference and metering papers are below.


Related documents

  • Draft minimum metering standards (September 2017)
    97 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • TArMAC Terms of Reference (September 2017)
    69 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 20171101 TArMAC minutes
    70 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

Gas metering review

In March 2017, we released two consultation papers reviewing gas metering:

  1. Gas Metering Review:  Review of metering service provider arrangements
  2. Gas Metering Review:  Review of advanced metering technology.

We received eight submissions which are available below, along with our analysis and summary of submissions.

Submission themes

A consistent theme of the submissions was that advanced metering was still in the early stages of development. There was uncertainty about what ultimately might be the right technical solution for the New Zealand market.

Submitters considered the market should be allowed to develop without regulatory intervention, which could frustrate innovation. 

At the same time, most submitters (7 of 8) considered that determining some minimum standards would be a pragmatic step to ensure a common understanding of what market participants want from advanced metering. 


We set up a technical advisory group, the Technical Advanced Metering Advisory Committee (TArMAC), to provide advice on the issue of advanced metering following nominations.

Read more about the TArMAC




Related documents

  • Covering Document - Gas Metering Papers (March 2017)
    210 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Gas Metering Review - Review of Advanced Metering Technology (March 2017)
    136 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Gas Metering Review - Review of Metering Service Provider Arrangements (March 2017)
    165 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Gas Metering Review - Analysis of Submissions (September 2017)
    265 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Trustpower
    20170502 Trustpower Submission Gas Metering Review 26 KB Word document
  • Genesis Energy
    Genesis Energy submission on Gas Metering Review 166 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Contact Energy
    Gas Metering Submission Contact Energy FINAL 385 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • First Gas Limited
    FGL submission Gas metering 14 June 2017 220 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Limited
    Vector Submission Gas Metering Review 336 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Nova
    Nova submission Gas Metering Review2 38 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Powerco Limited
    Powerco submission Gas metering review vF2 148 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Metrix
    Gas Metering Review Consultation Submission Metrix 142 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

Gas measurement requirements and procedures 2019

About the document

We maintain a number of requirements and procedures documents. These give an overview of the legal requirements and technical standards that apply to particular areas of the industry. They also describe common industry practices.

Our 2019 review

In 2019, we reviewed and updated the Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures document and invited comment from stakeholders.

This was in anticipation of the Gas Transmission Access Code (GTAC) coming into effect and replacing the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC) and Vector Transmission Code (VTC).

Related documents

Available below are:

  • the original proposed update (Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures 2019 update, clean and marked up)
  • the comments we received on the proposed update and our review of those comments (191001 Review of comments on June 2019 draft Gas Quality Requirements and Procedures document)
  • the revised update (191001 Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures, clean and marked up).


Related documents

  • Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures 2019 update (clean)
    1.1 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures update 2019 (marked-up)
    6.1 MB Word document
  • Gas Measurement R&P (marked-up) - October 2019
    980 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Review of comments on June 2019 draft Gas Measurement R&P Document - October 2019
    260 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Gas Measurement R&P Document (clean) - October 2019
    947 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Vector Limited
    Attachment Vector Comments on the Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures Document 2019 1.1 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Limited
    Vector Cover Letter Comments on the Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures Document 2019 65 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • First Gas
    230415 Gas Measurement Requirements and Procedures 2019 First Gas red lined 969 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • First Gas
    GIC GMS requirements and procedures submission 267 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

Issues assessment

2017 review

In 2017, we undertook a review into gas metering. We consulted on the following two papers we commissioned as part of the review (2017 Gas Metering Review):

  • review of metering service provider arrangements
  • review of advanced metering technology.

Submission themes

Submissions on those papers highlighted three consistent themes:

  1. Advanced gas metering infrastructure (AGMI) was, at the time, in the early stages of development, with no settled view on the right technical solution for the market (the technology trial phase).
  2. The market should be allowed to develop without regulatory intervention to ensure that innovation was not hampered.
  3. Determining some minimum standards would be a pragmatic step to ensure a common understanding of what market participants want from advanced metering.

TArMAC set up

In response to the third theme, we set up a technical advisory group (the Technical Advanced Metering Advisory Committee or TArMAC) to provide advice on specific AGMI issues, in preparation for the deployment of AGMI.

Advanced gas metering has now moved to the deployment phase, with advanced gas meters being deployed to Genesis Energy’s residential natural gas consumers.

Read more about TArMAC

Review of advanced metering

Given this deployment, and the gas metering-related objectives and outcomes which we expected to pursue under the Government Policy Statement on Gas Governance (April 2008), we considered it appropriate to conduct a review of how advanced metering is being deployed to the gas market and to assess whether any new gas market rules, regulations or non-regulatory arrangements are needed to address identified issues.

We had informal discussions with gas market stakeholders to understand the current state of advanced gas metering in the gas market, and to develop a list of potential issues arising from the deployment of that technology.

We published our Advanced Gas Metering – Issues Assessment paper 2021, which set out a preliminary list of potential issues on the deployment of advanced metering technology into the gas market.

See Related documents below.




Related documents

  • Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Issues Assessment
    669 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Submissions Template Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure
    337 KB Word document


  • ESP
    ESP Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Issues Assessment 70 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Intellihub Ltd
    Intellihub Submission on Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Issues Assessment 245 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Powerco
    Powerco submission Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure vF 101 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Limited
    Vector Submission Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Issues Assessment 339 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Firstgas
    Firstgas submission Advanced metering issues assessment 214 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

Submissions review and recommendations

Our Advanced Gas Metering – Issues Assessment paper (published 24 September 2021) set out a preliminary list of potential issues on the deployment of advanced metering technology into the gas market. It included our initial commentary on each of the issues, and an initial assessment of the priority for each issue.


We received 5 submissions on the issues assessment paper:

  • 2 from gas distribution network companies
  • 2 from gas metering service providers
  • 1 from a consumer solutions service provider.

We received no submissions from gas retailers or gas consumers.

Read the submissions on the Issues assessment paper

Our summary

Having reviewed all the submissions, we are now publishing our summary and assessment of the submissions, our updated assessment of the priority to be afforded to each of the identified issues, and our recommendations on how each of these issues should be progressed.

We received 4 submissions on our Advanced Gas Metering Submissions Review and Recommendations paper. The submissions can be read below. 

Related documents

  • Advanced Gas Metering Submissions Review and Recommendations Submissions Template
    5.6 MB Word document
  • Advanced Gas Metering Submissions Review and Recommendations
    1.4 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Vector
    Vector submission 302 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Nova Energy
    Nova submission 122 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Genesis Energy
    Genesis submission 93 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • First Gas
    Firstgas submission 206 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Consultation Paper

In 2023 we consulted on the advanced gas metering infrastructure (AGMI).

Our consultation paper (see below) is based on the initial issues paper, stakeholder submissions to the initial issues paper and discussions with the AGMI working group (the former Technical Advanced Metering Advisory Committee).

It covers all initial AGMI issues to provide stakeholders the full picture, however, it focuses on the more important priority A issues.

After considering stakeholders’ feedback we prepared a Statement of Proposal in preparation for a recommendation to the Minister (MBIE).

Submissions closed on 4 September 2023.

We received 5 submissions which are available below under Related documents.  

Related documents

  • Advanced Gas Metering Consultation Paper
    806 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Greymouth Submission Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Consultation Paper
    134 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Nova Submission Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Consultation Paper
    262 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Genesis Submission Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Consultation Paper
    225 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Metering Submission Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Consultation Paper
    237 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Submission Advanced Gas Metering Infrastructure Consultation Paper
    3.2 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 13/06/2024, 3:12 pm

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