Information disclosure

This workstream considers whether current market arrangements related to information disclosure are sufficient or whether more arrangements are needed.

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Critical Contingency Management

The purpose of the CCM Regulations is to achieve the effective management of critical gas outages and other security of supply contingencies without compromising long-term security of supply.

adam edgerton unsplash milford landscape

Hydrogen and biogas

We are working to understand what industry processes and frameworks are needed to support the introduction of ‘green gases,’ including hydrogen and biofuels.

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Gas Transition Plan

The Government has published its emissions reduction plan. It includes work to develop a Gas Transition Plan to drive emission reductions from natural gas. The plan…

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Supply and demand

We regularly publish gas supply and demand studies to provide stakeholders with information that may be useful for making business decisions.

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The Gas Governance (Compliance) Regulations 2008 provide for the monitoring and enforcement of a number of rules and regulations.

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Electricity Price Review

Gas Industry Co has established a workstream to investigate the application of the 32 Electricity Price Review (EPR) recommendations to…

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Downstream reconciliation

Our work in Downstream Reconciliation involves reconciling volumes of gas leaving the high pressure transmission system with volumes consumed by…

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Gas Distribution Contracts Oversight Scheme

The Gas Distribution Contracts Oversight Scheme is a voluntary, industry-agreed scheme which assesses standard gas distribution service agreements against a…

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Gas quality

Gas users require a safe, reliable, fit-for-purpose product. Gas Industry Co's Gas Quality work aims to ensure that industry arrangements…

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We established a committee to develop a set of minimum standards that will allow for the consistent collection and treatment…

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The Gas Act provides for a levy on industry participants to fund the activities of Gas Industry Co (as industry…

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Retail Gas Contracts Oversight Scheme

The Retail Gas Contracts Oversight Scheme is a voluntary scheme which assesses standard published gas contracts against a set of…

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Retailer insolvency

Retailer Insolvency establishes a process that we will follow in the event of a retailer insolvency and the regulatory arrangements…

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Switching and Registry

The Switching Rules enable consumers to choose and alternate efficiently and satisfactorily between competing retailers.

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Transmission work streams

Gas Industry Co has oversight of the reasonableness of terms and conditions for access to, and use of, gas transmission…

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Below are all archived work programmes.

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Last updated: 23/03/2022, 8:11 am

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