You can find and compare retailers’ gas prices through Consumer Powerswitch. This is a free service provided by Consumer NZ that helps you work out which power company and pricing plan is best for you.
Using Consumer New Zealand's Powerswitch's comprehensive database of electricity and gas prices, it's easy to compare plans and find the cheapest deal in your area.
Powerswitch's calculator helps you assess your potential savings.
We administer a Retail Gas Contracts Oversight Scheme that helps consumers evaluate retailers’ publicly posted supply terms and conditions.
Since its introduction in 2010, the voluntary Scheme has prompted a significant improvement in the clarity of those arrangements.
The Scheme is regularly reviewed by an Independent Assessor with the most recent full review in 2023. We generally conduct full reviews at 3-yearly intervals.
The independent assessment provides details of the contract alignment rating of each retailer against our set of Benchmarks and Reasonable Consumer Expectations (RCEs). It also lets you compare the results of individual retailers which are summarised in the table below.
The Independent Assessor's Benchmark Assessment Report - 2023 evaluated 11 published supply arrangements (9 residential and 2 business or other arrangements) across 9 retailers supplying gas to consumers.
The overall alignment of all published supply arrangements against the Benchmarks and RCEs is 'Substantial', in line with the trend over previous assessments.
The 2023 Assessment Report is available in the Scheme's Previous Assessments section of our website.
The table below shows the level of alignment on a scale of full (being the best), substantial, moderate, low and none (being the worst) for each gas supply arrangement against each benchmark in 2018.
Retailer |
Average alignment |
Contact Energy |
Substantial |
Frank Energy |
Substantial |
Genesis Energy |
Substantial |
Hanergy |
Substantial |
Megatel |
Substantial |
Mercury |
Substantial |
Nova Energy |
Substantial |
Pulse |
Substantial |
Trustpower |
Substantial |