
Historical change requests to the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC) where Gas Industry CO has a contractual role to consult on each MPOC Change Request with stakeholders and determine whether or not to support it.

On 20 April 2016 Vector Gas Limited – owner of the Vector transmission system – was acquired by First State Funds, two infrastructure funds managed by First State Investments, known in Australia as Colonial First State Global Asset Management. Vector Gas Limited was renamed First Gas Limited (First Gas). Then, on 15 June 2016, First Gas purchased the Maui pipeline from Shell, Todd and OMV (collectively known as the Maui Mining Companies). As the single owner, First Gas, now wishes to converge the operations of the Maui and Vector pipelines, including the transmission access regimes and their respective codes – the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC) and the Vector Transmission Code (VTC). Until that occurs these codes remain in effect.

Gas Industry Co has a contractual role under the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC) to consult on each MPOC Change Request with stakeholders and determine whether or not to support it. A Change Request proceeds only where required by law or where Gas Industry Co makes a recommendation that supports it.

The current MPOC can be found in Current Arrangements.

All previous change requests can be found in Background.

Current Arrangements

First Gas aims to replace the MPOC and VTC with a new Gas Transmission Access Code (GTAC) on 1 October 2020. The GTAC will have a new set of code change arrangements in which Gas Industry Co has a role.

In the meantime the current MPOC can be found here.

2017 MPOC Transition Change Request

On 14 July 2017, Gas Industry Co received a request from First Gas Limited (First Gas) to make changes to the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC). The changes aim to facilitate transition to a new gas transmission access code (GTAC) when certain conditions are met.

Gas Industry Co called for initial submission on 17 July 2017, and received seven submissions. The 14 July 2017 MPOC Transition Change Request (TCR), and the submissions received can be found below. 

Previous MPOC Change Requests can be found under background

Key Areas

Gas Industry Co has released its Final Recommendation on the 14 July 2017 Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC) Transition Change Request (Final Recommendation).

On 14 July 2017, Gas Industry Co received a request from First Gas Limited (First Gas) to make changes to the MPOC. The Change Request aims to facilitate transition to a new gas transmission access code (GTAC) when certain conditions are met.

On 22 September 2017, Gas Industry Co issued a Draft Recommendation to support the Change Request. The Draft Recommendation and two submissions received on that are available below.

Following analysis of those submissions, and with due regard to its role under the MPOC and Memorandum of Understanding with First Gas and the objectives in the Gas Act and the GPS, Gas Industry Co’s Final Recommendation is to support the Change Request.

The Final Recommendation on the 14 July MPOC Transition Change Request is available below. 


Related documents

  • Final-Recommendation on the 14 July 2017 MPOC transition change request
    314 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

On 14 July 2017, Gas Industry Co received a request from First Gas Limited (First Gas) to make changes to the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC). The MPOC Transition Change Request (TCR) aims to facilitate transition to a new gas transmission access code (GTAC) when certain conditions are met. 

Gas Industry Co has considered submissions received on the TCR, including submissions on First Gas’s supplementary documents, and decided to make a draft recommendation to support the TCR.

The Draft Recommendation on 14 July 2017 MPOC Transition Change Request (Draft Recommendation) is available below under Related Documents.

Two submissions on the Draft Recommendation were received by the due date Monday 16 October 2017. 

Confidential information in submissions

Please note that Gas Industry Co intends to publish all submissions that it receives. You should not upload any submission to our website that contains confidential or commercially sensitive information.

If you wish to provide us with information that you consider to be confidential or commercially sensitive, please contact Gas Industry Co to discuss.



Related documents

  • Draft Recommendation on 14 July 2017 MPOC Transition Change Request
    327 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    GGNZ Submission on MPOC Transition Change Request 46 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • First Gas Limited
    First Gas submission on MPOC transition change request draft decision 456 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

On 14 July 2017, Gas Industry Co received a request from First Gas Limited (First Gas) to make changes to the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC). The changes aim to facilitate transition to a new gas transmission access code (GTAC) when certain conditions are met.

At a recent industry workshop, First Gas informed Gas Industry Co and stakeholders that it proposed to issue further detail regarding the process for procuring and implementing a new IT system that will accompany a new GTAC. Gas Industry Co has now received this supplementary detail, and invites submissions on it. Submissions are invited by 5.00pm Thursday 7 September 2017.

The supplementary documents received from First Gas (available below) are:

  1. A letter proposing a change to the MPOC Transition Change Request (TCR) submitted to Gas Industry Co on 14 July 2017.
  2. An information paper providing stakeholders with further information on First Gas’s proposed process for procuring and implementing the IT system that will accompany the new GTAC.

First Gas has indicated that it does not propose a change to the Recommendation Request Form that formed part of the original TCR. Accordingly, Gas Industry Co will assess the TCR with reference to the form and the revised drafting following a brief period of industry consultation. We request that submissions focus only on the supplementary detail and clearly identify the extent to which it affects that stakeholder’s original submission on the TCR.

In order to allow adequate time for stakeholders and Gas Industry Co to consider the revised drafting, it is necessary to amend the timetable for consideration of the TCR.

The new timetable is as follows:



Submissions on First Gas’s revised TCR close

Thursday 7 September 2017

Gas Industry Co issues its draft recommendation and calls for submissions

Monday 18 September 2017

Submissions on the draft recommendation close

Monday 9 October 2017

Final recommendation released

Monday 30 October 2017


Consultation on the 14 July 2017 MPOC TCR closed on Wednesday 9 August 2017. The seven submissions received, the TCR which comprises the change request application and a marked-up copy of the MPOC are all available here.

Confidential information in submissions

Please note that Gas Industry Co intends to publish all submissions that it receives. You should not upload any submission to our website that contains confidential or commercially sensitive information.

If you wish to provide us with information that you consider to be confidential or commercially sensitive, please contact Gas Industry Co to discuss.

Related documents

  • 20170829 GTAC Acquisition of Pipeline Management Software
    326 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 20170829 Maui Pipeline Operating Code Marked Up
    1.5 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 20170830 Letter to GIC re MPOC Change-Request
    78 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    GGNZ Submission on MPOC Transition Change Request IT amendment 4 September 2017 37 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Trustpower
    Trustpower submission on further update to MPOC Change Request FINAL 472 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Methanex
    Methanex Submission First Gas Revised TCR 07.09.17 234 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Genesis Energy
    Genesis Energy submission on GTAC Acquisition of Transaction Management Software 296 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file

On 14 July 2017, Gas Industry Co received a request from First Gas Limited (First Gas) to make changes to the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC). The changes aim to facilitate the transition to a new Gas Transmission Access Code (GTAC) by terminating MPOC when certain conditions are met. 

Submissions on the Transition Change Request (TCR) closed on Wednesday 9 August 2017. The seven submissions received, the TCR which comprises the change request application and a marked-up copy of the MPOC are all available below.

The consultation process and an indicative timetable for processing the TCR is provided below.

Confidential information in submissions

Please note that Gas Industry Co intends to publish all submissions that it receives. You should not upload any submission to our website that has confidential or commercially sensitive information.

If you wish to provide us with information that you consider to be confidential or commercially sensitive please contact Gas Industry Co to discuss.




Tentative Date

Call for initial submissions

Monday, 17 July 2017

Submissions on TCR close

Friday, 4 August 2017

GIC issues its Draft Recommendation and calls for submissions

Friday, 25 August 2017

Submissions on Draft Recommendation close

Friday, 15 September 2017

Final Recommendation released

Monday, 2 October 2017

Related documents

  • 20170707 Maui Pipeline Operating Code - Marked Up
    1.5 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 20170714 MPOC Change Request document
    265 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Trustpower
    Trustpower submission on MPOC transition changes FINAL 654 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    GGNZ Submission on MPOC Transition Change Request 8 August 2017 42 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Genesis Energy
    Genesis Energy submission on MPOC transition change request Proposed approach to GTAC assessment 604 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Nova Energy Ltd
    Nova submission MPOC Change request re GTAC 251 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Limited
    Vector Submission MPOC Change Request GTAC 307 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Methanex
    Methanex Submission First Gas MPOC Change Request 9.08.17 788 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


All MPOC Change Requests can be found in this section.

The most recent MPOC Transition Change Request 14 July 2017, can be found here

Last updated: 28/01/2022, 10:49 am

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