Gas industry Co and First Gas held a workshop on Wednesday 24 August 2016 in Wellington. The joint workshop covered:

Balancing – an interim improvement

Shippers are concerned that the current balancing arrangements can result in a shipper being cashed-out for more than its Running Mismatch positions under the D+1 Pilot Agreement. First Gas considers that a solution is possible and would like to discuss this possibility, and any other proposed solutions. See presentation below.

New gas transmission access code – proposed development process

The gas transmission systems, previously owned by Maui Development Limited (MDL) and Vector Gas Limited, are now owned by First Gas Limited (First Gas). First Gas wishes to replace the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC) and Vector Transmission Code (VTC) with a single new access code. A new pricing methodology would also be developed. 

Gas Industry Co has been working with First Gas to ensure that new access arrangements can be developed through an inclusive process, allowing for full consideration of stakeholder views. A proposed approach and timetable for the work are set out in this First Gas memorandum. See presentation below.

Transmission prices – roles and responsibilities

It is timely, before work on developing new access arrangements begins, to remind stakeholders of the roles and responsibilities for transmission pricing. Gas Industry Co has prepared a short paper, Transmission Prices – Roles and Responsibilities. The paper may also be helpful in the context of the Commerce Commission’s review of input methodologies that will apply to the next reset of the gas transmission price-quality path. See presentation below.

Gas quality – past work and future direction

Single ownership of the transmission pipelines may also offer an opportunity to address some outstanding issues related to gas quality. Gas Industry Co would like to remind workshop participants of previous industry work in this area, and to discuss the outstanding issues. See presentation below.

Related documents

  • Presentation: Balancing - proposed improvements
    285 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • First Gas Memorandum - August 2016
    337 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Presentation: New gas transmission access code - proposed development process
    114 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Presentation: Transmission prices - roles and responsibilities
    197 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Short Paper: Transmission Prices - Roles and Responsibilities - August 2016
    435 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Presentation: Gas Quality - past work and future direction
    253 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 2/03/2022, 2:38 pm

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