On 9 October 2008, Gas Industry Co received an appeal from Contact Energy (Contact). The appeal concerns four (out of eight) change requests originally made by Contact where the requests did not result in changes to the VTC. These are described by Contact as follows:

  1. Change Request 4 (Matching Payments In and Out of the BPP Account).
  2. Change Request 5 (Payments In and Out of the BPP Account).
  3. Change Request 6 (Confidentiality).
  4. Change Request 7 (Provision of Vector Running Imbalance Information).

In accordance with its MoU, Gas Industry Co has determined the following timetable for obtaining submissions and cross-submissions, making a draft recommendation, obtaining submissions on that draft and then making its final recommendation to Vector:

 Date  Step
 20 October 2008 Gas Industry Co publishes details of Contact's appeal and all other relevant information on its website, notifies Vector, Contact, all other shippers and any other industry participant it considers will be affected by the appeal. Submissions invited. 
 3 November 2008 Final date for submissions. Gas Industry Co publishes submissions on its website and notifies interested parties. Cross-submissions invited 
 17 November 2008 Final date for cross-submissions. Gas Industry Co publishes cross-submissions on its website and notifies interested parties. 
 22 December 2008 Gas Industry Co publishes draft recommendations on its website and notifies interested parties. Submissions on the draft recommendation invited. 
 20 January 2009 Final date for submissions on draft recommendation. Gas Industry Co publishes submissions on its website and notifies interested parties 
 23 February 2009 Gas Industry Co makes final recommendation to Vector. Gas Industry Co publishes final recommendation on its website and notifies interested parties. 

Related documents

  • Change Request Appeal - October 2008
    78 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Contact Energy Email - October 2008
    78 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Shipper Notification - October 2008
    74 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Response - October 2008
    64 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Additional Response - October 2008
    31 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:33 pm

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