
The purpose of the Retail Gas Governance Forum (RGGF) is to provide a forum for the identification of issues, the exchange of views and for consensus agreement on joint courses of action in relation to the development and operation of gas governance arrangements and other retail related matters which form part of the role of Gas Industry Co; and which impact on the operation of retail markets and the relationship between retailers and each of consumers, distributors, transmission system owners, and Gas Industry Co.

In carrying out this purpose the RGGF may agree to establish time limited or ongoing working groups for the more detailed discussion or development of specific topics. Such working groups will have defined terms of reference, usually developed by Gas Industry Co in consultation with the RGGF.

The Retail Gas Governance Forum held seven meetings between 2009 and 2012 discussing a range of topics including amendments to the Downstream Reconciliation Rules and the Switching Arrangements Rules, development of the Gas Registry, consumer complaints resolution and retail contracts issues, Downstream Reconciliation audits, Critical Contingency Management test exercises, Insolvent Retailer regulations and the “clean up” of E-Gas residual ICPs.

All information relating to these meetings including agendas, presentations papers and minutes, can be found in Background.


The Retail Gas Governance Forum have held a number of meetings discussing a range of topics and all information relating to these meetings including agendas, presentations papers and minutes, can be found here.

Last updated: 30/12/2021, 12:24 pm

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