The Statement of Proposal contains a first package of proposed rule changes. The changes are all minor and non-controversial, and have accordingly been dealt with in accordance with the simplified approach for such types of amendments as provided for by the gas Act 1992. The proposals have come from a number of sources including exemptions granted to date, proposals from allocation participants and proposals from Gas Industry Co. The amendments seek to:

  • alter the scope of some of the Rules to align with current practice or intended best practice to ensure the effective operation of the allocation process for downstream reconciliation;
  • clarify the scope of some of the existing provisions in the Rules;
  • promote ease of understanding and interpretation; and
  • resolve some minor drafting and wording issues or other minor matters, provide greater consistency within the Rules, and between the Rules and other gas governance regulations and rules.

Related documents

  • Statement of Proposal - June 2009
    673 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


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Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:22 pm

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