We are required to report quarterly to the Minister of Energy on our progress towards meeting the Government's objectives and outcomes for the gas industry.

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FEATURE - Quarterly Report March 2024

We report that gas supply volumes are low and there is not enough gas to meet contracted demand. We provide the latest production and consumption data and an update on our work in progress for this quarter.

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FEATURE - Quarterly Report December 2023

We welcome our new Ministers, provide a security of supply update, provide an update on our upcoming consultations and provide an overview of the latest quarterly gas sector data.

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  • Gas Industry Co Quarterly Report December 2021 v2
    310 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Quarterly Report September 2021
    378 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Quarterly Report July 2021
    362 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Quarterly Report March 2021
    400 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Quarterly Report March 2021
    400 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/05/2024, 5:05 pm

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