Date Published: 21 December 2012

On 31 May 2012 Gas Industry Co issued a Statement of Proposal in respect of minor and technical changes to the Gas Governance (Compliance) Regulations 2008 (Compliance Regulations), consistent with our practice to periodically review industry governance arrangements to ensure they remain efficient and effective. A link to that proposal can be found under Related Documents. One of the proposals was more substantial, in that it would change the mandatory breach reporting requirements on the Allocation Agent and Registry Operator under regulation 11 (known as the threshold regime). Submissions received supported the proposals. However there was some discussion as to how the proposal would enable Gas Industry Co to issue a determination exempting the Allocation Agent or Registry Operator from the mandatory reporting requirements would work in practice.

Gas Industry Co issued a further short consultation document, setting out in more detail how the regime will work by identifying the relevant provisions in the Gas (Switching Arrangements) Rules 2008 and Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008 that the threshold regime would initially apply to, and providing a sample draft of the empowering provision.

After considering submissions, and making changes as a result, we made a Recommendation to the Minister of Energy and Resources to amend the Compliance Regulations. The timing of the Recommendation was dependent on whether there were any consequential changes required to the Compliance Regulations, following Gas Industry Co's review of the Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Regulations 2008

Submissions closed 1 February 2013.

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Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:05 pm

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