Date Published: 02 August 2012

The original set of Guidelines were issued in February 2009, with the aim of providing clarity and consistency in the designation process for ESPs and MLCs.

The purpose of this revision of the Guidelines was to reflect experience to date on the designation process, and particularly arising from the Maui Pipeline outage in October 2011. Gas Industry Co undertook a comprehensive review of the Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Regulations 2008, and it may be that this review will lead to changes in how ESPs and MLCs are defined and designated. It can, however, be a lengthy process to make changes to regulations, and industry participants have indicated a desire for an interim measure. As such, Gas Industry Co considers it appropriate to provide greater clarity to industry participants through a revision of the current Guidelines, so that lessons from recent experiences are implemented in a timely fashion and as far as possible within the scope of the regulations as they are currently drafted.

Please note that the proposed revisions to the Guidelines relate only to ESPs, not MLCs. Also, future changes to the regulations may require a further revision of the Guidelines or may negate the need for them.

The latest Guidelines can be found under the Critical Contingency Designations section above.

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Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:22 pm

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