Second draft Amended Regulations (marked-up version compared against Original CCM Regs). This draft endeavors to reflect the proposals of the Statement of Proposal and the drafting changes suggested at the first drafting workshop held 13 March 2013. It shows all the changes to the original CCM regulations and was provided for discussion at the second drafting workshop. This document has not been subject to a full legal review. Participants should also note that the Parliamentary Counsel Office determines the final wording of any draft regulations recommended to Cabinet.

Second draft Amended Regulations (marked-up version compared against Initial draft CCM Regs). This draft endeavors to reflect the proposals of the Statement of Proposal and the drafting changes suggested at the first drafting workshop held 13 March 2013. It shows the changes since the Initial draft was circulated and was provided for discussion at the second drafting workshop. This document has not been subject to a full legal review. Participants should also note that the Parliamentary Counsel Office determines the final wording of any draft regulations recommended to Cabinet.

Initial draft Amended Regulations (marked-up version). In this draft we have endeavored to reflect the proposals set out in the Statement of Proposal, as modified by the Analysis of Submissions. It addresses predominantly the operational matters canvassed in the consultation process and was provided for discussion at the first drafting workshop. This document has not been subject to a full legal review. Participants should also note that the Parliamentary Counsel Office determines the final wording of any draft regulations recommended to Cabinet.

Following the six day Maui pipeline outage in October 2011, Gas Industry Co and the Critical Contingency Operator (CCO) set out to capture critical contingency management lessons arising from the event. The CCO produced post-event Incident and Performance Reports, and made 19 recommendations for improvements. Many of these related to processes that have been addressed directly by the CCO and transmission system owners under existing provisions in the Gas (Critical Contingency Management) Regulations 2008 (CCM Regulations). Other recommendations involved potential changes to the CCM Regulations, and were referred to Gas Industry Co for consideration.

Having consulted widely, including commissioning a report by Concept Consulting and taking account of submissions on that report, Gas Industry Co issued a Statement of Proposal (SoP) setting out proposed changes to the CCM Regulations.

The Statement of Proposal can be found below.

Also below are the NZIER Report - Value added associated with gas demand and the Lowe Environmental Impact Report - Review of Methods for and Impacts of Raw Milk Disposal, both of which are referred to in the Statement of Proposal.

Related documents

  • Analysis of Submissions - March 2013
    955 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Second draft Amended Regulations (marked-up version compared against Original CCM Regs) - November 2008
    490 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Second draft Amended Regulations (marked-up version compared against Initial draft CCM Regs) - November 2008
    482 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Initial draft Amended Regulations (marked-up version) - November 2008
    930 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Statement of Proposal - November 2012
    1.2 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Submission Template
    23 KB Word document
  • NZIER - Value added associated with gas demand - October 2012
    399 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Lowe Environmental Impact - Review of Methods for and Impacts of Raw Milk Disposal - October 2012
    415 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


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  • Gas Industry Company
    CCM SoP Amendments to CriticalContingencyManagement 550 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:22 pm

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