In August 2014, Gas Industry Co released a draft of the Gas Quality Information Protocol for stakeholder comment. The Protocol set out the principles of good industry practices:

  • no secrecy around gas quality incidents and exceptions that occur.
  • where gas quality is, or expected to be, outside agreed limits, parties will notify each other promptly and work together to minimise risks to people and property.
  • service providers will make available all gas quality information that the wholesalers and retailers reasonably need to demonstrate they are complying with their obligations under the Safety Regulations.


Related documents

  • Consultation Paper - Draft Gas Quality Information Protocol - August 2014
    957 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Vector Limited
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  • Genesis Energy
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  • Powerco
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  • Maui Development Limited
    Draft Gas Quality Informatin Protocol MDL 156 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 2/03/2022, 11:09 am

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