Material from the 2010 review of TSO interconnection arrangements against the objectives of the Gas Act and GPS is presented below.

Gas Industry Co advised the Minister of the efforts made by pipeline owners to improve their interconnection processes to align with the Guidelines and objectives of the Gas Act and GPS, the Associate Minister of Energy and Resources requested that we '...undertake a formal review of the current interconnection arrangements after the next two interconnections to each of the transmission pipelines, or by the end of 2013, whichever is sooner'.

Related documents

  • Evaluation criteria for the 2010 Interconnection Review - May 2010
    57 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 2010 Review of MDL's Interconnection Arrangements - December 2010
    245 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 2010 Review of Vector's Interconnection Arrangements - December 2010
    259 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Letter to the Minister - December 2010
    104 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Letter to Vector regarding the 2010 Gas Act-GPS Interconnection Review - December 2010
    332 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Letter to MDL regarding the 2010 Gas Act-GPS Interconnection Review - December 2010
    407 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Letter to Vector regarding 2010 Gas Act-GPS Interconnection Review and review questions - May 2010
    501 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Letter to MDL regarding the 2010 Gas Act-GPS Interconnection Review and review questions - May 2010
    505 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Letter from the Minister - March 2011
    786 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:25 pm

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