On 6 May 2015, Gas Industry Co released its Final Recommendation on the 13 April 2016 MPOC Change of Ownership Change Request (COCR). On the basis of our analysis of the COCR, our consideration of submissions, and of Gas Act and GPS objectives, the Final Recommendation supports the COCR.

Following publication of the Final Recommendation, Gas Industry Co was advised that, in line with comments/suggestions in the Final Recommendation, MDL will make further minor changes:

  1. On the MPOC cover page, replace ‘1 October 2015’ with the effective date of the modified MPOC: ‘14 May 2016’.

  2. Now that Vector Gas Limited (VGL) has been renamed First Gas Limited (FGL), the VGL definition will be deleted and a new definition inserted: ‘“FGL” means First Gas Limited’. ‘VGL’ will consequently be replaced by ‘FGL’ throughout the document.

  3. As proposed in the Genesis Energy submission, and supported in the Final Recommendation, the definition of Maui Mining Companies will be re-inserted and amended to: ’“Maui Mining Companies” means Shell (Petroleum Mining) Company Limited, Shell Exploration NZ Limited, Energy Petroleum Investments Limited, Taranaki Offshore Petroleum Company of New Zealand Limited, Todd Petroleum Mining Company Limited, OMV New Zealand Limited or their respective successors in title provided that this definition will be deemed to be deleted from the Effective Date since it will no longer be relevant.’ Accordingly, references to Maui Mining Companies re-inserted throughout the document.

We thank First Gas and MDL for giving their attention to these matters and confirm that the changes are minor and technical and that our Final Recommendation is to support the COCR as amended.

Related documents

  • Final Recommendation on MPOC Change of Ownership Change Request (COCR) 6 May 2016
    460 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:26 pm

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