First Gas has released the following documents:

    1. A memorandum setting out First Gas's workshop plan. Subsequent versions of the workshop plan are found below. 
    2. A memorandum containing First Gas's response to the drafting issues raised by submitters during consultation on the 8 December 2017 GTAC.

First Gas invited stakeholder comments on the GTAC Drafting Comments document (found below) by Friday 27 July 2018. One submission was received and this is available below.

Related documents

  • GTAC Workshop Planning - 29 June 2018
    562 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • GTAC Drafting Comments - 29 June 2018
    692 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • GTAC Workshop Planning Revised Following Block 1 - 24 July 2018
    800 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • GTAC Workplan 2018 - 12 June 2018
    553 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • GTAC Workplan 21 June 2018 - Post Workshop
    577 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • GTAC-Workshop-Planning-Revised-Following-Block-3
    547 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • GTAC-Workshop-Planning-Revised-Following-Block-4
    473 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file


  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    GGNZ GTAC Drafting Comments 87 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:30 pm

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