On 1 May 2015 Vector issued a ‘Change Request Notification’ (CRN) under the new VTC amendment process, and invited submissions. The CRN comprises information on a new product for managing congestion on Vector transmission pipelines. It was developed by the Gas Industry Transmission Access Working Group (GITAWG) as part of its response to the Panel of Expert Advisors (PEA) recommendations on transmission access.

Under a new VTC amendment process, introduced on 1 April 2015, the broad design of a proposed amendment is initially set out in a CRN. GIC or any other stakeholder may make a submission on a CRN. Having regard to these submissions, the issuing party (Vector, in this case) may then publish a Draft Change Request (within 10 business days). The Draft Change Request will be a more complete version of the CRN, modified where appropriate in response to matters raised in submissions. In particular, the Draft Change Request will contain a version of the VTC marked up to show the proposed changes.

Related Information

Draft Change Request
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:33 pm

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