On 5 October 2009 Gas Industry Co received a request from Maui Development Limited (MDL) to consider and make a recommendation in respect of proposed changes to the Maui Pipeline Operating Code (MPOC).

In accordance with its Memorandum of Understanding with MDL, Gas Industry Co has determined the following timetable for obtaining submissions on the proposed change request, making a draft recommendation, obtaining submissions on the draft and making a draft recommendation, obtaining submissions on the draft and making its final recommendation to MDL.

Approximate Date


7 October 2009 Gas Industry Co Call for submissions on change request
28 October 2009 Close of Submissions on change request
19 November 2009 Gas Industry Co releases draft recommendation and calls for submissions*
9 December 2009 Close of submissions on draft recommendation
21 December 2009 Gas Industry Co makes recommendation to MDL

*Note that if no significant issues are raised, Gas Industry Co may move directly to a final recommendation.

Gas Industry Co will publish all submissions and its draft and final recommendations on its website.

If you believe your submission contains confidential or commercially sensitive information, you may indicate that to Gas Industry Co and the reasons for your submission contains confidential or commercially sensitive information, you may indicate that to Gas Industry Co and the reasons for your belief. Gas Industry Co may delete that information from the submission before publishing it on its website where:

  • it is satisfied that you, or another identified person, would be materially commercially disadvantaged if the information is published;
  • the information is not essential or material to the decision to be made by Gas Industry Co; and
  • it is satisfied that, despite the deletion of the information, other parties and industry participants will not be hindered, ill-informed or otherwise materially disadvantaged when making, or deciding whether or not to make, submissions themselves.

Parties who wish to make submissions on the change request were invited to respond by 5 pm on the dates indicated above. Please note that submissions received after those dates may not be able to be considered.

Gas Industry Co's preference is to receive submissions in electronic form (Microsoft Word format or pdf) uploaded onto the website.

Related Information

Draft Recommendation
Final Recommendation

Related documents

  • MPOC Change Request - October 2009
    70 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Amended MPOC Change Request - August 2005
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Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:26 pm

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