The table below outlines First Gas's proposed steps for engaging on the draft Gas Transmission Code (GTAC). 



Thursday, 10 August

Draft GTAC released

Thursday, 17 August
(10.00am – 4.00pm)

Workshop in Wellington to discuss draft GTAC and talk through purpose and content of each section, and get initial reactions/feedback). This session will be facilitated by Toby Stevenson from Sapere

Thursday, 24 August, & Friday 25 August (10.00am - 4.00pm)

Workshop in Wellington for parties to ask First Gas questions and provide initial comments on the draft GTAC. This session will be facilitated by Toby Stevenson from Sapere. 

Thursday, 31 August (2.00 - 4.00pm)

Teleconference to discuss questions submitted since 25 August.

Monday, 11 September

Revised draft GTAC released for mark-ups and submissions.

Monday, 9 October

Mark-ups and submissions on revised draft GTAC due.


Workshops referred to above will be held at the GIC’s offices (Maui Room). If you wish to attend the workshops or participate by teleconference, please RSVP accordingly as detailed below. 




Maui Room, Gas Industry Co, Level 8, The Todd Building,95 Customhouse Quay, Wellington


Thursday 17 August, Thursday 24 & Friday 25 August


10.00am to 4.00pm (a light lunch will be available at all three workshops)


RSVP to Alison O’Connor (by 5.00pm, Monday 14 August 2017)

Attend Workshop

RSVP to Alison O’Connor (by 5.00pm, Monday 14 August 2017)

Please RSVP your attendance for catering purposes

First Gas released a complete draft of the GTAC, along with presentations that provide context for the drafting which can be found here

Related documents

  • Agenda - GTAC Workshop 17 August 2017
    21 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Agenda - GTAC Workshop 24, 25 August 2017
    44 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 1/03/2022, 12:29 pm

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