On 10 August 2017, First Gas released a complete draft of the GTAC, along with a presentation that provided context for the drafting.

The following documents are available below:

  • Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points rev.2 - clean version (16 October)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points - changes to revision 1 (16 October)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points rev. 1 (16 October)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points - changes to 10 August draft (16 October)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points - clean (10 August)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Point rev.1 clean (September 2017)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points Changes to August Draft (September 2017)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points (August 2017)
  • Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points - clean (August 2017)
  • Draft GTAC release - summary presentation
  • Draft Gas Transmission Access Code (GTAC)
  • Draft template receipt point interconnection agreements (ICAs)

The process First Gas will follow for engagement on the draft GTAC is set out below. First Gas has also proposed using a web-based forum (Trello) to streamline communication and collaboration on the draft GTAC. Further information on how to access and use this web forum was provided at the 17 August workshop. 



Thursday, 10 August

Draft GTAC released

Thursday 17 August 

Workshop held in Wellington to discuss draft GTAC  and talk through purpose and content of each section. This session was facilitated by Toby Stevenson from Sapere

Thursday 24 August & Friday 25 August 

Workshop held in Wellington for parties to ask First Gas questions and provide initial comments on the draft GTAC. This session was facilitated by Toby Stevenson from Sapere (Workshop material available below)

Thursday, 31 August 

Teleconference held to discuss questions submitted since 25 August
(Draft Agenda available below)

Monday, 11 September

Revised draft GTAC released for mark-ups and submissions

Monday, 9 October

Mark-ups and submissions on revised draft GTAC due


The following material were made available at the 25 August 2017 Workshop, and are available below:

  • Hourly Overrun Charges (Vector presentation)
  • Nominations: Current MPOC and Proposed GTAC (First Gas presentation)
  • Schedule Two for the Draft GTAC

The following material were presented at the 24 August 2017 Workshop, and are available in the zip file below:

  • Pricing (presented by First Gas)
  • Process (presented by First Gas)
  • GTAC Priority Rights (presented by Nova)
  • DNC and 5X underrun charges (presented by Nova)
  • Priority Rights (presented by Trustpower)



Related documents

  • Proposed Agenda for GTAC Teleconference on 31 August 2017
    317 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 171016 Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points - changes to revision 1
    152 KB Word document
  • 171016 Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points rev.2 - clean version
    141 KB Word document
  • 171016 Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points - changes to 10 August draft
    180 KB Word document
  • 171016 Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points rev.1
    133 KB Word document
  • 170925 Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points Changes to August Draft
    171 KB Word document
  • 170925 Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Point rev.1 clean
    138 KB Word document
  • Updated Action Points List from GTAC Workshops
    85 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Updated engagement approach for draft GTAC
    1.3 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • Draft GTAC Release Summary - Presentation
    2 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Action Points List from GTAC Workshops 24/25 August 2017
    327 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Schedule Two for Draft GTAC
    16 KB Word document
  • Presentation Material - GTAC Workshop 25 August 2017
    2.6 MB ZIP compressed file
  • Presentation Material - GTAC Workshop 24 August 2017
    3.7 MB ZIP compressed file
  • Draft GTAC Release - Workshop Presentation 17 August 2017
    3.5 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 170816 Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points
    131 KB Word document
  • 170810 Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points - clean
    123 KB Word document
  • 170810 Draft GTAC - clean
    191 KB Word document
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:31 pm

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