First Gas has agreed to allow parties a further opportunity to comment on five areas of the Second Revised Draft GTAC that are being amended in response to comments raised at the November workshops (and subsequently in parties’ submissions and mark-ups).

The five areas are summarised in items A-E of the November workshop action points. First Gas will release a brief cover memo on each of the areas, along with selected code provisions showing mark-ups from the Second Revised Draft GTAC released on 3 November.

The second area is agreed hourly profiles in section 4 of the GTAC (Action Item B on the November workshop action points list). First Gas welcomes any comments or mark-ups on these provisions by 5pm, Wednesday 6 December. Submissions can be made here, or by emailing Ben Gerritsen -  [email protected].

All submissions received will be published on Gas Industry Co’s website.

Related documents

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  • Shell
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  • Methanex
    Methanex submission on 30 Nov action items3 61 KB Word document
  • Nova
    Nova submission Notes on the Action Items A D2 243 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:31 pm

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