A revised draft of the Gas Transmission Access Code (GTAC) was released on 11 September 2017. Having considered stakeholder submissions and mark-ups on that version, on 3 November 2017, First Gas released the Second Revised Draft GTAC, along with a summary of its responses to the matters raised by stakeholders. 

First Gas invites further submissions and mark-ups on the Second Revised Draft GTAC and has made available the document in a tabular form, suitable for marking-up. Submissions and mark-ups are due by 5.00pm, Friday 24 November 2017. First Gas anticipates that these mark-ups will address legal (rather than design) matters. 

First Gas presented the Second Revised Draft GTAC  on Thursday 9 November with two further workshops held (10 November and 17 November). All three sessions were held at Gas Industry Co and were  facilitated by Toby Stevenson from Sapere.

A final actions points list covering the three workshops is available below, along with an updated worked example from the 17 November GTAC workshop, and other documents referred to above.  

At one of the recent workshops, First Gas agreed to prepare a note explaining its proposal to rebate transmission incentive charges in the same way as priority rights revenue. This document is available below.



Related Information

Liability Provisions (Action Item D)
Agreed Hourly Profiles (Action Item B)
ERM and Overrun-Underrun Charges (Action Item C)
Relationship between Interconnection Agreements and the GTAC (Action Item A)
Incorporation of D+1 allocations under the GTAC (Action Item E)

Related documents

  • 171103 Points made in submissions and markups on revised draft GTAC
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  • 171103 Second Revised Draft GTAC - clean
    210 KB Word document
  • 171103 Second Revised Draft GTAC - marked-up
    272 KB Word document
  • 171103 Second Revised Draft GTAC - table for entering stakeholder mark-ups
    211 KB Word document
  • 171109 First Gas presentation of Second Revised Draft GTAC
    3.2 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 171103 Second Revised Draft GTAC table - marked-up
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  • 171109 Gas Industry Co Presentation
    1.7 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • Completed table of items deferred until 2018 and TSO discretion
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  • Close out report on August workshop action items
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  • 171117 GTAC Workshop Agenda
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  • 171117 First Gas Presentation
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  • 171117 Duncan Jared Presentation - Hourly Overruns Agreed Hourly Profiles
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  • 171117 - Worked Example Corrected
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  • 171123 Final Action Points List from November GTAC Workshops
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  • First Gas information paper on transmission incentives paper
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  • Genesis Energy
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  • Vector Limited
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  • Shell
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  • Shell
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  • Nova Energy Ltd
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  • Methanex
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Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:31 pm

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