A submissions workshop was held on Tuesday, 27 March 2018 at Gas Industry Co's office in Wellington.

The purpose of the workshop was to enable stakeholders and Gas Industry Co to consider submissions on the Preliminary Assessment Paper and to ask questions about those submissions. Gas Industry Co would particularly like tot thank the stakeholders who presented on their submissions. At the end of the workshop, First Gas presented its next steps. An agenda and each submitter's presentation can be found below in Related Documents. 



Related documents

  • 8. GTAC Submission - Trustpower presentation
    531 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 1. GIC Presentation for GTAC submissions workshop
    6.1 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 2. GTAC Submission - First Gas presentation
    2 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 3. GTAC Submission - Nova presentation
    713 KB PowerPoint presentation
  • 7. GTAC Submission - Shell presentation
    234 KB PowerPoint presentation
  • Next Steps - First Gas presentation
    1.5 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 5. GTAC Submission - GGNZ presentation
    1.2 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 6. GTAC Submission - MGUG presentation
    132 KB PowerPoint presentation
  • 4. GTAC Submission - Genesis presentation
    1.1 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • GTAC Submissions Workshop agenda
    56 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • 9. GTAC Submission - Vector presentation
    1.8 MB PowerPoint presentation
Last updated: 1/03/2022, 12:29 pm

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