First Gas has released the documents found below for consultation. 

Consultation closed 5.00pm, Monday 13 August 2018Submissions can be viewed below. 

Confidential information in submissions/comments

Please note all submissions received will be published on Gas Industry Co’s website.

You should not upload any submission to our website that contains confidential or commercially sensitive information.

If you wish to provide us with information that you consider to be confidential or commercially sensitive, please contact First Gas and Gas Industry Co to discuss.

Related documents

  • Block-1-Outputs-4-Allocation-Methods
    456 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Block-1-Outputs-5-Target-Taranaki-Pressure
    464 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Block-1-Outputs-6-Balancing-Tolerances
    432 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Block-1-Outputs-8-Nominations
    468 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Block-1-Outputs-5-Target-Taranaki-Pressure-Appendix-1
    97 KB Word document
  • Block-1-Outputs-6-Balancing-Tolerances-Appendix-1
    102 KB Word document
  • Block-1-Outputs-8-Nominations-Appendix-1
    102 KB Word document
  • Block-1-Outputs-9-Priority-Rights-Appendix-1
    82 KB Word document
  • Block-1-Outputs-4-Allocation-Methods-Appendix-1
    103 KB Word document
  • Block-1-Outputs-9-Priority-Rights
    421 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Block-1-Outputs-6-Balancing-Tolerances-Workbook
    3 MB Excel spreadsheet


  • Vector
    Vector submission on Outputs from 10 12 July Workshops 707 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    Block 1 Outputs 4 Allocation Methods Appendix 1 GGNZ 137 KB Word document
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    Block 1 Outputs 5 Target Taranaki Pressure Appendix 1 GGNZ 101 KB Word document
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    Block 1 Outputs 6 Balancing Tolerances Appendix 1 GGNZ 131 KB Word document
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    Feedback priority rights and nominations 16 KB Word document
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    GGNZ Letter on Block 1 Consultation 87 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Trustpower
    Trustpower submission 13th August 529 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Nova Energy Ltd
    Nova Markup 6 Balancing Tolerances Appendix 1 122 KB Word document
  • Nova Energy Ltd
    Nova Markups 4 Allocation Methods Appendix 1 124 KB Word document
  • Methanex New Zealand Limited
    Methanex response to Workshop 1 material 13.08.18 final 927 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Hale & Twomey Ltd
    20180813 MGUG Submission on Block 1 Outputs 139 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:30 pm

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