On 8 December 2017, First Gas submitted a new version of the Gas Transmission Access Code (GTAC) and supporting documents to Gas Industry Co for review. These documents are available below in Related Documents. 

A workshop was held on Tuesday, 12 December to discuss the final GTAC and Gas Industry Co’s consultation process. Presentation slides from the 12 December GTAC Workshop and the GTAC Submission template can be found on the left hand side of this work programme page under GTAC Assessment.



Related documents

  • 171208 Close Out Report on Actions from GTAC November Workshops
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  • 171208 FG information paper on GTAC objectives
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  • 171208 Final GTAC clean
    249 KB Word document
  • 171208 Final GTAC marked up
    288 KB Word document
  • 171208 GTAC Submission to GIC final
    1.6 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 171208 Letter to GGNZ re preference or priority
    543 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • CBA of GTAC Sapere - Final
    744 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • FG Memo on Todd Commerce Commission Authorisation-Decision
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  • FG Memo on RPO Standards
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  • FG Memo on ERM Tolerance Allocation Methodology
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  • 171208 Final GTAC marked up against Second Revised Draft and A to E
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  • 171222 Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points Changes to October version
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  • 171222 Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points Changes to October version
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  • 171222 Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points clean
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  • 171222 Interconnection Agreement for Receipt Points clean
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Last updated: 28/02/2022, 1:30 pm

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