On 11 September 2017, First Gas released a revised draft of the Gas Transmission Access Code (GTAC) following engagement and feedback on the complete draft released in August. First Gas presented the revised draft GTAC at a workshop on 15 September, and key aspects of it were considered at Focus Sessions held on 21 and 28 September. Mark-ups and submissions on the draft GTAC (and associated) were invited by Monday, 9 October 2017. Submissions on the draft GTAC are available below.

The following documents are available below:

  • Presentation on GTAC - Priority Rights Design (28 September Focus Session)
  • Presentation on GTAC - Curtailment (21 September Focus Session)
  • Revised engagement approach for draft GTAC
  • Presentation of revised draft GTAC
  • Revised Draft GTAC - clean
  • Revised Draft GTAC – marked-up against August release
  • Revised Draft GTAC – in table format for stakeholder mark-ups
  • Revised draft GTAC release - summary presentation
  • Action items from draft GTAC workshops – annotated with actions taken
  • Indicative GTAC delivery zones

The process First Gas will follow for engagement on the revised draft GTAC is set out below. First Gas team members will also be available to meet with stakeholders ahead of the due date for mark-ups and submissions, and is considering whether to provide for a round of cross-submissions after mark-ups and submissions are received.

The mark-ups and submissions received on the revised draft GTAC will be used to inform the final version of the GTAC that First Gas will submit to the Gas Industry Co on 3 November 2017. Gas Industry Co’s proposed approach to assessing the GTAC is summarised here. This will provide stakeholders with a further opportunity to address any issues raised in the process of developing the GTAC that have not been resolved.

At the 15 September 2017 GTAC workshop, several stakeholders requested a further opportunity to mark-up the draft GTAC. First Gas has reflected on the GTAC development process, and has provided a revised engagement approach for the draft GTAC found below, with changes from the previous process highlighted in red. As noted in the revised engagement approach for the draft GTAC, First Gas will also be holding two focused session over the coming weeks. The presentation for the 21 September focus session is now available below.



Monday 11 September 2017

Revised draft GTAC released

Friday 15 September 2017

Workshop held at GIC to discuss revised draft GTAC and changes made since the August draft release

Thursday 21 September

Focus session held at GIC to discuss Curtailment (section 9). Presentation from this session is available below.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Focus session held at GIC to discuss Priority Rights Design. Presentation from this session is available below.

Monday 9 October 2017

Mark-ups and submissions on the revised draft GTAC due

Related documents

  • 170911 Revised Draft GTAC - clean
    206 KB Word document
  • 170911 Revised Draft GTAC table
    209 KB Word document
  • 170911 Revised Draft GTAC - marked-up
    283 KB Word document
  • 170911 Revised Draft GTAC Release Summary Presentation
    1.5 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 170911 Action Points List from GTAC Workshops with Actions Taken
    46 KB Word document
  • 170911- Indicative GTAC Delivery Zones
    14 KB Excel spreadsheet
  • 170915 Presentation of Revised Draft GTAC
    2.1 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • 20170919 Revised engagement approach for draft GTAC
    1.3 MB PowerPoint presentation
  • GTAC Presentation - Curtailment (21 September Focus Session)
    621 KB PowerPoint presentation
  • GTAC Presentation: Priority Rights Design (28 September Focus Session)
    539 KB PowerPoint presentation


  • Vector Limited
    GTAC Mark ups Vector 1.1 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Vector Limited
    Vector Submission Revised Draft GTAC5 229 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    170911 Revised Draft GTAC table GGNZ comments 171009 176 KB Word document
  • Greymouth Gas New Zealand Limited
    GGNZ Submission 2nd draft GTAC 9 October 2017 31 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Shell New Zealand (2011) Ltd
    Shell GTAC Dev Oct 9 2017 letter 253 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Trustpower
    Appendix A TLG Comments on GTAC for Trustpower Final 1.1 MB Word document
  • Trustpower
    Appendix C Trustpower marked up changes FINAL 258 KB Word document
  • Trustpower
    Trustpower Revised GTAC Response 401 KB Word document
  • Contact Energy
    170911 Revised Draft GTAC table CEN 091017 241 KB Word document
  • Contact Energy
    Submissions on revised draft GTAC 091017 39 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Genesis Energy
    Genesis Energy submission on Revised Draft GTAC 9 Oct 2017 451 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Shell Taranaki Limited
    GTAC Sept 11 Review updated 171 KB Word document
  • Major Gas Users Group
    20171009 Submission GTAC Draft Code 420 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Methanex
    170911 Revised Draft GTAC table mark up 10.10.17 final 219 KB Word document
  • Methanex
    Methanex Submission GTAC 9 Oct 2017 cover letter2 581 KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
  • Nova
    Nova mark up GTAC revisions table 171009 227 KB Word document
Last updated: 7/03/2022, 12:31 pm

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